Meet Josiah Nash

(304) 283-3956 Sermons

About Josiah

Josiah Nash was born in 1998, to Gregg and Teresa Nash while they were on staff at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Columbia, TN. He is the 4th of five children. His siblings, oldest to youngest, are Samuel, Abby, Caleb (his wife Kathleen) and Jeremiah. When he was 4 his family moved to help Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church of Martinsburg, WV. For the next 10 years from 06/2002-09/2012 he would grow up under the ministry and influence of Dr. Jeff Owens and the others on staff SBBC. While at SBBC, during a teen revival week at Martinsburg Christian Academy (a ministry of SBBC) Josiah got saved January 28th, 2010 at the age of 11. A few months later in March God called him to preach, and he surrendered to do what the Lord asked him to.

From the age of 14 to 16 the Nash family moved to help churches in New Jersey and Texas, before the Lord impressed upon his fathers heart to pastor Gospel Light Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, MD.

When Josiah was 19 he moved to Elgin, IL. to attend Providence Baptist College, a ministry of North West Bible Baptist Church where Keith Gomez was the pastor. After one year Josiah moved back home to help at his parents church, helping in several areas as best he could. Ministries like, children’s church, the music program, their van routes, Sunday School ministry, and many others.

In 2019 Josiah would move again, this time to New Bern, NC. Where he began to get involved at Twin Rivers Baptist Church, again under the leadership of Dr. Jeff Owens. Many more ministries kept him busy, yet happily serving in areas where he could grow, while helping others to grow with him. He would help in areas like the youth department, the choir, the bus ministry, the skit ministry, the special music program and many others where needed.


In February of 2023, Josiah joined the youth group on a trip to Rockwell, NC. Where Pastor Billy Sechrist hosted his first Youth Conference. The songs were Holy, preaching was hot and the people were helped. Among the special speakers of the conference were pastors Josh Montgomery of Safe Harbor Baptist Church and Dennis Morrello of Lighthouse Baptist Church. It was in this meeting the Holy Spirit began to burden his heart about simply surrendering to what God wanted him to do. That Saturday, when the conference was over they headed back to New Bern. It was during a time of testimony and praising God for what he did at the conference, that the teens experienced revival, and after about a 4 hour trip 2 teen agers in the youth group realized their personal need for salvation. Josiah was honored to lead one of them to the Lord, while Bro. JV. Elswick, the youth pastor, lead the other to the Lord at the same time. Praise the Lord for Salvation. The next day was of course Sunday. With the excitement carried over from the trip we had another great day serving God in our usual duties. That night Pastor Owens preached a sermon entitled “It’s War”. During the invitation The Holy Spirit called Josiah into Fulltime Evangelism. Josiah surrendered to that call February 5th, 2023 and under the guidance of his pastor began preparing for the ministry God had for him.

In March of the same year Josiah was honored to preach for his dad on a Wednesday night. After that God has continued to bless and open doors of opportunity for Josiah to continue serving in evangelism. His goal is to  stay in Evangelism as long as the Lord allows so he can do whatever God wants him to do.

Any prayers you can pray for Josiah Nash are always appreciated and welcomed. Josiah’s prayer is that he would be able to help any pastor and church the Lord sends him to, and that he would never compromise on Bible Doctrines and the beliefs he has been taught, while trying to help others. God bless.